We are excited to welcome 3 new horses to the team. They have each brought something different to the dynamics here and I'm excited for you to meet them on your next visit.
With the sudden passing of Aurora in June, there are now 7 horses. We miss her and know that her gentle spirit is here. The new horse owners are completely aligned with the vision and focus of Horse Discovery - so we've grown our community of 2 and 4 legged teachers.

Meet the youngest looking 24-year old horse you'll ever see. Chance is a registered Paint breed, however is a foundation Quarter Horse and could have been double registered. With his fancy white 'socks', he is stunning. He's lived with Ingrid and Charlotte's family for many years, and enjoyed competing in various sports. When he first arrived, he took to Maia (see picture) right away, and they were inseparable. Thankfully, their need to be together 24-7 has worn off and now they casually hang out without any anxiety when apart.
Chance loves to connect with those who are feeling they don't belong.

This sweet older gentleman is Oscar. He's 24 and an Arabian/Quarter Horse/Thoroughbred cross. He's traveled across Canada to ride the trails in the Rockies, competed in jumping and Cowboy Challenge. He's enjoying connecting with the kids who come for sessions and is quick to connect to those who are in need of a shoulder to lean on. His new best friend is Zorro.

This tall three year old Hanoverian is Maia. She is not fully grown and already towers over the others. What she lacks in maturity she makes up for in curiosity. I love that her owner, Andrea Robin, met her as a foal and they have not stopped learning and growing together. Maia is playful and affectionate and learning a lot from her new herd.
Next Meditation with the horses: Thursday July 29 - We still have spots available and we're planning a horse themed meditation in the round pen surrounded by the horses on the outside. Here's the theme, naturally!

Wisdom Teaching of the Horse
"All of our wisdom for healing and well-being lies within us, but how to find our way to these precious gifts? In the presence of the wisest teachers of all, horses, and with meditations to help light the way, we can find and trust our own groundedness, integrity and capacity for love. This is so natural to the horse, and ultimately, to us." Andrea Robin