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Nurturing Mothers - Part 1

As women, we can often leave ourselves till last. When you add in the responsibility of having children with special needs, or a history of trauma, you are even less likely to put yourself first.

I've had the privilege to work with women as they invest into their own health and strength, through the support of the Horses. I wanted to share a story that stands out. Part 1 - Philippine

Horse guided learning, horse with eyes closed
with Shaemus

Like almost every mother who comes, Philippine first brought her daughter to Horse Discovery. After she had received support from the Horses - that's an interesting story of physical transformation for another time - Philippine saw the need for herself to spend some time alone with the herd. She bravely confronted the parts of her past that were holding her back from living in her true, authentic self; parts that told her she was not worthy of respect and love.

Healing with Horses, white horse and woman
with Soleil, Herd Mother

Working with our own herd Mother, Soleil, she was reminded of the need for self-care. In her case, this meant making time for fun, reclaiming her inner child.

When Auna stepped up for her, it was a moment to remember the past, and let it go. 'Stand in your power', is often Auna's message to women who have been mistreated. She loves it when you regain that sense of worth that allows you operate at full strength!

And Shaemus - pure love and acceptance.

The Horses choose who they work with, so each session with Philippine was different. The Horses showed up when she was ready. It was a treat when her daughter came along, as I loved to watch her sit and sketch near the horses, or hear her playing light, fairy-like notes on my tongue drum.

I'm grateful to have been a part of this family's journey, and especially grateful to the Horses, and this land, for enabling the healing.


Horse therapy, horse at fence with woman
'take your power' message from Auna


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