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A message from Andrea Robin Skinner

Silence can kill. Silence can heal.

You might have caught my story in the news. I disclosed that my stepfather sexually abused me when I was a child, and that my mother, Alice Munro, stayed with him, even after my stepfather was convicted of sexual assault.

The silencing that often accompanies childhood sexual abuse is damaging and potentially deadly. Speaking your truth and being received with compassion is a vital step to healing. The peer facilitators at the Gatehouse in Toronto and the guides (horses and people) at Horse Discovery are empathic listeners who have helped my truth emerge.

Paradoxically, while breaking the silence around my abuse has been a crucial step in my recovery, allowing for a completely different kind of silence has been just as important: the silence of meditation. For me, meditation is not a practice or skill, it just means getting quiet enough to feel the whole of my being, not only my story, but the life force beyond the story, where healing, growth and love arise naturally. All of the facilitators at Horse Discovery are attuned to this power of presence. 

Horses are natural meditators. They are never distracted from what is happening now. There is a wordless, limitless kindness emanating from them, an acceptance that is like an embrace from the universe. In their presence, I am connected to myself and everything. The walls come down, and feelings arise–grief, joy, love. Only what I am ready for comes up. My experience has been gradual and gentle, no big catharsis or tsunami of revelation. No overwhelm.

This sweetness is what I wish for those who come to the farm.

PS: If you can't access the Toronto Star articles, you can view a PDF on our website.

Two ways to experience the Horses:

Private sessions with one facilitator, yourself and the Horse that chooses you. Your facilitator, Cheri Davidson, or Ingrid Brammer, will guide you to the focus that's right for your session. Come away with new insights and messages from the Horses.

Woman walks with horse on driveway
FEEL session - walking with your authentic self

woman in barn with horses
Andrea with Kola and Soleil

Focus on 'not doing'. Enjoy the silence, the connection to nature, and the healing support of the Horses. Andrea Robin Skinner is your guide. Limited availability - book online.

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