I’ve started to pay attention to the unique number of the coming year. It’s fun to meditate on the number and what it can manifest for the coming months. I like the descriptions used by Simone Matthews. Here’s what she has to say about next year: 2019: 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3
“The number ‘3’ in numerology is all about joy, creativity, communication, emotional sensitivity, expression, socializing… and I will say it again… JOY! So 2019 will be a year of fun, allowing our passionate hearts drive our endeavours, being lighter, more free-spirited, creatively expressive and putting play into our work, our relationships, our finances and our health and well-being.” This description resonated with me. I’m ready to move into a new year and new focus. What about you? I feel drawn to the themes of communication, creativity and play. I made the word cloud to the left to visualize the year. I can help make one for your personal year too - just connect with me by email.
I’m going to take the vision for 2019 to the herd. I love how they help to bring forward the thoughts, feelings and intuition that is just beneath our consciousness. They are sometimes literal, showing with a nod of their heads, that we're onto an authentic truth. Sometimes they will turn and face the cardinal direction that represents the thought. Other time, it is the way they interact with each other (grooming, licking, chasing or dominating) that illustrates the point.
An invitation: Come and allow the horses to breathe life into your vision for 2019. Encourage your intentions to manifest in your life. Spend time with the horses and then retreat to the heated tack room for a tea or hot chocolate. Journal, draw or craft your intentions into a personal piece of art for your walls. This is available for the price of a session plus $10 for supplies. I'm offering a visioning workshop on Sunday January 13, or you can book privately.
I was touched that the men in your lives reached out and bought gift sessions for you. For some, it will be a chance to visit in all seasons! I look forward to sharing the horses with you soon.
The horses are all doing very well, and I am focusing on continued health for Barney. He has had a recurring skin/immunity issue each January, but he’s in the best shape he’s ever been now. I’m expecting this year he will break the cycle! Wishing all the very best to you and yours this holiday season. Photo credit: Graceful Horses Photography