Opposites Attract
Since the FEEL session, I've been able to find the courage to try things in the complete opposite way of what I have done in my life. I’

A grief observed
"I'd made the decision to open myself up to the grief that I'd been holding. This experience with the horses allowed me to heal. I felt...

Bonnie's horse time
Happy to share this post written by a client who worked with Marion Langford, the herd and I this past fall: To be able to do this, and...

Meet Zorro
We first met Zorro last spring. He and his friend Beau, a 30 year old Thoroughbred, came to live with us. Here's a couple photos of the...

Happy New Year?
I'm usually quite optimistic about new beginnings like a new year, a new school term or starting a new job. This year I'm feeling a...

Leadership changes in the herd
It has been fascinating to witness is the changing dynamics in our herd. In the spring, our lead horse Yankee died suddenly, leaving the...

Meet an unexpected teacher in the quest for well-being
There’s a new teacher, healer and therapist in the area. Someone you may not expect to visit for your monthly dose of inner peace, calm...
Horses Heal Veterans' Invisible Wounds
National Geographic Published on Dec 4, 2014 Serving in combat can affect soldiers long after they return home from war. For some, the...

Horsing around in childhood really can change your life
Washington State University concludes that spending time with horses lowers our cortisol levels. April 28, 2014, Equus Magazine Full story

Horse therapy helps people surmount personal obstacles
Toronto Star article, July 30, 2013 Working with horses can aid people dealing with anxiety, depression, grief and low self-esteem....